
ToolbarItem has three variants:

interface ToolbarItem {
  command : string;
  svg : string;
  dropdowncontent? : string;
  tips? : string;
  onRender? : Function;

Simple Button Command

Rendering a svg button, trigger onCommand action when clicking the button.

        command : "bold",
        svg : SubEditor.svgList["b"],
        tips : "bold"

The following example produce same result as above, action clicking on item button is defined specifically in onRender().

        command : "bold",
        svg : SubEditor.svgList["b"],
        tips : "bold",
        onRender : (_editor : SubEditor, el : HTMLElement) => {
          el.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
            const cmd = el.getAttribute("data-command") as string;

Result html markups:

<span class="se-button se-ToolbarItem" data-command="bold" data-tips="bold">
    <span class="se-icon">
        <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">
            <path d="M7 5v14h7A3.6 3.6 0 0017 16A3.6 3.6 0 0015 12A3.6 3.6 0 0017 8.5A3.6 3.6 0 0014 5h-7ZM9 7h4.5A2.1 2.1 0 0114.5 9A2.1 2.1 0 0113.5 11h-4.5v-4ZM9 13h4.5A2.1 2.1 0 0114.5 15.5A2.1 2.1 0 0113.5 17h-4.5v-4Z"></path>

Dropdown Sub-Menu

Dropdown menu can be created by providing the necessary html markup in dropdowncontent. By adding "horizontal" to se-dropdown-content class will render the sub-menu horizontally. By default clicking on the subeditor.refToolbar.querySelector(".se-dropdown-trigger button") will automatically show sub-menu. The buttons in sub-menu will need to define in onRender().

        command : "align",
        svg : SubEditor.svgList["align_left"],
        tips : "align",
        dropdowncontent : '<div class="se-dropdown se-ToolbarItem" data-tips="align"><div class="se-dropdown-trigger"><button class="se-button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="dropdown-menu-align"><span></span><span class="se-icon">'+SubEditor.svgList["align_left"]+'</span></button></div><div class="se-dropdown-menu" id="dropdown-menu-align" role="menu"><div class="se-dropdown-content horizontal"><span class="se-button se-ToolbarItem" data-command="align" data-value="left" data-tips="align left"><span class="se-icon">'+SubEditor.svgList["align_left"]+'</span></span><span class="se-button se-ToolbarItem" data-command="align" data-value="center" data-tips="align center"><span class="se-icon">'+SubEditor.svgList["align_center"]+'</span></span><span class="se-button se-ToolbarItem" data-command="align" data-value="right" data-tips="align right"><span class="se-icon">'+SubEditor.svgList["align_right"]+'</span></span><span class="se-button ToolbarItem" data-command="align" data-value="justify" data-tips="align justify"><span class="se-icon">'+SubEditor.svgList["align_justify"]+'</span></span></div></div></div>',
        onRender : (_editor : SubEditor, el : HTMLElement) => {
            //look for each button in sub-menu and 
          el.querySelectorAll('.se-button[data-command]').forEach(btn => {
            btn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
              _editor.command("align",[btn.getAttribute("data-value") as string]);
              return false;
          //subscribe to onFeatureChange event to highlight the button if the current content at cursor has matching style
          _editor.event.register([{ event : "onFeatureChange", target : [], callback : () => {
            el.querySelectorAll('.se-button').forEach(btn => {
              if(btn.getAttribute("data-value") === _editor.feature?.align) {
          //end of feature change

Dropdown Custom Content

By capturing the onclick event in onRender(), custom content can be created base on different condition. For more detail example, please check out the source code at /src/toolbar/(image, link, table, color).

        command : "table",
        svg : SubEditor.svgList["table"],
        tips : "table",
        onRender : (_editor : SubEditor, el : HTMLElement) => {
          el.addEventListener('click', (e) => {

            //subscribe to onClick event:
            el.querySelector('.se-dropdown-trigger > button')?.addEventListener('click', () => {
                //determine if dropdown is open by checking is-active class
                if(el.querySelector('.se-dropdown-menu')!.classList.contains("is-active")) {

                    //your own code
                    //example: for table, if we are already in table, render submenu for table opertions such as merge/unmerge
                    // if we are not currently in table, render an UI allowing user to create a new table by choosing number of columns and rows



presetToolbarItem( name : string, item : Function)

This method takes a function that accepts an editor instance and returns a ToolbarItem. Item set by presetToolbarItem will have the highest priority, it shall replace the item set by plugin (registerToolbarItem) and default item with same name.

    //take advantage of _editor.ln() to provide localized language string when rendering content
    var newbold = function(_editor) {
        return {
        command : "bold",
        svg : SubEditor.svgList["b"],
        tips : "bold"
    //create a new ToolbarItem name newbold
    SubEditor.presetToolbarItem("newbold", newbold);

    //can be used now:
    var subeditor = new SubEditor(elem, {
        toolbarList : ["newbold"],
        pluginList : ["bold"] // bold plugin is required for onCommand("bold", []) to work

Runtime Registration

It is possible to pass the above function directly into toolbarList.

    var new SubEditor(elem, {
        toolbarList : [newbold],
        pluginList : ["bold"] // bold plugin is required for onCommand("bold", []) to work